Hey all,
After an adventurous 33 hours of travel, an extra 20 hours
on top of my team mates, I have safely made it back to the United States of
America. Thank you to those who prayed
for my travel, and the process of customs and border patrol/protection – I
really needed it.
Being the only Australian, and non-US citizen on my team, I was separated in Miami where I needed to explain why I was there and wait on their approval and decision on how long I could stay in the USA. This somehow turned into me being escorted to another room, where 80+ people had been waiting from 0 to 6+ hours, without any explanation of why we were there and what we were to do, other than sit down and be quiet. Thankfully I only had to wait 3 hours, after explaining several times that I had a connecting flight that left within the 2 hours from when I first arrived at the airport, with a group of 13 other people (who they denied being able to contact and inform of my location), and was allowed to leave, with permission to stay in the USA until August 7th (another 6 months, compared to my original documented departure date of March 26th).
Being the only Australian, and non-US citizen on my team, I was separated in Miami where I needed to explain why I was there and wait on their approval and decision on how long I could stay in the USA. This somehow turned into me being escorted to another room, where 80+ people had been waiting from 0 to 6+ hours, without any explanation of why we were there and what we were to do, other than sit down and be quiet. Thankfully I only had to wait 3 hours, after explaining several times that I had a connecting flight that left within the 2 hours from when I first arrived at the airport, with a group of 13 other people (who they denied being able to contact and inform of my location), and was allowed to leave, with permission to stay in the USA until August 7th (another 6 months, compared to my original documented departure date of March 26th).
My gracious leader Jenna had also missed the flight to
ensure that I got back to Denver safely.
Due to a historic severe blizzard in the north east, most flights that
went to Denver (layover-ing in Chicago, Dallas, etc.) in the morning were not
recommended as thousands of flights were scheduled to be cancelled or delayed
(the Africa team, who were supposed to arrive on the same Friday that I was now
arriving, were caught in this predicament at their layover in Chicago – they’re
now scheduled to arrive in Denver today, Saturday), resulting in us catching
the only available flight at 5pm.
Both of us thankfully had no extra plane ticket fees to pay –
I was told I was exempt but I wasn’t sure if Jenna would have a free flight as
well and having a bit of team money left over, we were allowed to stay in the
Airport hotel and get a good night sleep with a complimentary breakfast.
After a 4 hour flight, I arrived in Denver and Jenna and I
were reunited with our team, and some close YWAM friends, one being my small
group leader, Amy. It feels so great to
be back and I am truly grateful for all of you who were praying. I am writing this on the blog as I hope to
give multiple accounts of what God did, and what the team did, and what God did
through the team, whilst I was in Colombia, what I am doing next, and what I
envisage God is directing me to, etc. and I have a feeling it would be too
large for a newsletter – because a lot happened! Praise God!!!
But this is my quick heads up and I hope you all have an
amazing weekend!
Love you all lots and GBUG (God Bless U Good).
“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that He will
send forth labourers into His harvest”.
~Matthew 9:38