How much do we allow God to chisel away from us? Do we think we're perfect or do we know we're imperfect, but are too afraid to let God, to trust God with helping us be more like Him?
(Think about it!!!)
What do you think the World would be like if no one trusted God to lead us, love us, convict us, or judge us fairly? Or let's changed the perspective... What do you think the World would be like if EVERYONE trusted God to lead us, love us, convict us and judge us fairly!?!?!!!! Think about it! I think it would be a encrazed, alive, passionate World, and I believe that if we listened to God's voice AND obeyed it, that there would be no more poverty or war - we'd think of others, instead of just ourselves. How crazy would that be? Yet we don't need the World to be totally surrendered to Christ for us to do our own part. We can individually listen and obey God. Follow what He tells us to do, with assurance from the Bible, and start changing the World ourselves, one step, one person, one city, one state, one nation at a time! God is alive and we need to start listening, surrendering to Him, and obeying His Word! We need to commit!
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