
Sunday, February 09, 2014

A Blessing in Disguise (It's Better to Give than Receive)

Freezing cold, wet weather and long hours can make anyone crazy and focused on keeping busy instead of slowing down to take a moment and make a smile, then come back later and have a quick conversation. 

His name I did not catch, but we were on Yale Street, in Houston - a place known for its rich folk and also for the mass of homeless people that live under the bridges in the area, and whilst freezing cold and sprinkling icy rain, he was walking to Walmart in a flannel shirt and ripped jeans a couple sizes too big. His hair was a tossed and he was worn with his journey. But he also had the biggest heart. 

I welcomed him, as he went into Walmart, asking the usual, "Hi, how are you?" And he smiled and replied or nodded back and went on in. I knew he was homeless and I wondered what his story was...

He came out a while later, and even though I wasn't planning in asking him for a donation, only to have a chat, he came I've and put his hand over the bucket and said "God has blessed me with this, so I can bless others". 

What could I say?  I wanted to know his story! But all time pressed was a very big appreciation and if he knew anyone that needed help (trying not to pressure any self impliance) to let them know the information of the given flier. 

He said he knew many and he would give the information to as many as he knew. 

It was not his actions that touched my heart, but his intentions. A man of so little, humble and giving so much. His story reminded me of the Bible story found in Luke 21:1-4. 

"As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”"

Giving what they had, not out of recognition but because they had all they needed and wanted to bless others. They saw the importance of giving rather than receiving. They saw the importance of being humble and allowing God to bring them up, than trying to create a status of recognition for themselves, puffed up by air. How we too should follow this example... Give often and bless others. Hold onto only what we need to survive and help others with our excess to survive too, and allow ourselves to live by the quote...


( A photo from the following day, which was drier and a lot warmer, of our friend who was a blessing - in maroon and jeans, walking to his 'fly the sign' place or his sleeping place). 

(Skyline view from the Walmart on Yale St, Houston)

(Downtown Houston)

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